We meet every Tuesday of every month at 10am with exceptions made during the holidays. Start times can vary with workshops and field trips. Inquire at the business meeting.
The schedule is:
1st Tuesday - Business meeting
This is our most popular meeting. We take care of all our business and do some fun things as well, such as Show and Share, Friendship Blocks, Opportunity Blocks, and a mini Raffle. There is a door prize given to members whose number at sign-in is drawn as long as they are wearing their name tag.
2nd Tuesday - Community Service meeting
This is also a popular meeting. We gather to make baby quilts for the sick babies/premies at Peace Health Hospital in Bellingham. We also make lap quilts for kidney patients receiving dialysis at the Bellingham Kidney Center.
3rd Tuesday - Program meeting
Another popular meeting. We bring in speakers from out of town, or have a member speak, or sometimes go on a field trip. In July and December we party! We have an annual picnic and Christmas party.
4th Tuesday - Study Group/workshops
This day is reserved for learning something new or interesting that a member can teach or share with everyone. During a Quilt Show year we often use this time to make items for the Boutique. There is a $5 fee to defray prep costs for the member.
5th Tuesday - Special Workshop
There are usually four 5th Tuesdays/year. This time can be used for whatever is relevant at the time. It can be a workshop on a technique or a field trip.