May Program
On May 20th we have the pleasure of welcoming Joy Neal who will be joining us for an in-person PowerPoint presentation on the History of Redwork Embroidery.
Joy will be bringing museum quilts and items from her own collection of Redwork to add to the presentation. EverGreen Quilters who have Redwork--antique or modern-- are welcome to share at the end of the presentation.
Joy's Bio
Joy Neal has been quilting since 1976, taught quilting in the 80s, and was a founding member of the North Central Washington Quilt Guild. She has been active with the Fidalgo Island Quilters as well as other quilt groups in Washington. After receiving some antique quilts from her grandmother, she became interested in quilt history and became a member of the American Quilt Study Group to continue her study of quilts and textiles. Currently she is on the Acquisitions Committee of the PNW Quilt & Textile Museum where she uses her knowledge of quilt history to help the museum evaluate its donations.
Following Joy's presentation we will be having a potluck lunch. Please bring a dish of your choice to share. We hope to see you there!