· Regular meetings on Tuesday mornings: One business meeting and one program meeting dedicated to quilting techniques and related topics, plus activity meetings (see HOMEPAGE).
· Monthly Newsletters to keep you informed about quilting events.
· Membership roster to help you stay in touch with other quilters
· Study groups to explore new ideas.
· Excellent library of books and patterns.
· Workshops led by recognized professionals.
· Exciting field trips.
· The opportunity to participate in a quilt show every odd year.
· Special projects, demonstrations and community service
· Holiday party and summer picnic.
Membership Responsibilities
Members of the EverGreen Quilters are expected to participate in the activities sponsored by the group. These include fund raisers, quilt shows, community projects, and field trips.
Currently, dues are $40.00/yr and are pro-rated if you join later in the year. These are due by January of each year.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please send a request to:
EverGreen Quilters
P.O. Box 5344
Bellingham, WA 98227
Please include your name, phone number and an email where we can reach you.
Thank you.
Chapter of National Quilting Association  Article I.         Name                        The name of the organization is EverGreen...